Kasper Kragh

Assistant Professor, Costerton Biofilm Center - University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
PhD, health and medical science from University of Copenhagen, 2012 – 2015
MSc, University of Copenhagen, 2009 – 2012
B.Sc., University of Copenhagen, 2006 – 2009
During my scientific career I have focused my attention on how the phenotype of non-attached biofilm aggregates are involved and influences both pathogenesis as well as in vitro systems. I have been involved in showing how small aggregated clumps of bacteria are able to present all the aspects of surface attached biofilm. My research has helped eluted how bacteria are able to grow in small aggregates nature and as well as in chronic infection. I am highly skilled at developing and employing advanced staining techniques in combination with the use of a diverse range of microscopy technologies. My mantra has continuously been to expand on the information’s gained through microscopy of bacterial infections, not only asking if bacteria are present in an infection, but how, where, and in what state they are in. In close relation to my affection for microscopic examination, I have been closely involved in the development of new innovative in vitro infection models, which as closely possible resembles the environmental conditions we can observe in the chronic infection themselves. Lately I have now casted my focus on the crippling illness of chronic infections caused by Borrelia ssp.
Research output
A total of 27 scientific peer-reviewed publications from 2011 – present in peer reviewed journals. According to Web of Science, cited 345 times and with H-Index of 10.

All Sessions by Kasper Kragh