Manuel Simões
University of Porto
Manuel Simões is an Associate Professor with Habilitation, Pro-Director of the Faculty of Engineering from the University of Porto (FEUP), and management committee member of the Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy (LEPABE) - in the Department of Chemical Engineering (DEQ) at FEUP.
Manuel Simões has more than 200 papers published in journals indexed in Web of Science (h-index = 52), 4 books (1 as author and 3 as editor) and more than 40 chapters in international books. He is Associate Editor for Biofouling (the oldest journal on biofilm research), Associate Editor for Frontiers in Microbiology, Section Editor-in-Chief for Antibiotics and editorial board member for Molecules and for the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. His main research work is focused on the mechanisms of biofilm formation and their control with antimicrobial agents, particularly new and sustainable antimicrobial molecules.
Since 2020 he has been among the restricted number of Portuguese researchers recognized by the Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics as a highly cited researcher, recognizing the exceptional research influence demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers.