3rd International Conference on Biofilms (Asia-Pacific Biofilms 2021) was held ONLINE!
/0 Comments/in News/by boge2nd International Conference on Biofilms (ChinaBiofilms 2019) was held in South China University of Technology
/0 Comments/in News/by boge1st International Symposium on Biofilms (ChinaBiofilms 2017) was held in Guangzhou, China!
/0 Comments/in News/by bogeOrganization Introduction
/0 Comments/in News/by bogeSouth China University of Technology The South China University of Technology (SCUT) is a leading educational institution in China, a public research-intensive university that is directly governed by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Located in the city of Guangzhou, a thriving metropolis in South China, it today covers a total area of 405 hectares, consisting […]
Conference Secretary: Yaqin Li, Feifeng Zhong
Email: Secretary@asiapacificbiofilms.org
Email: Secretary@asiapacificbiofilms.org